Sânonilor Church Sacred Sanctuar of the Geto-Dacians

Raising army power through faith ☥

☥ Sânonilor Church ✟ Sacred sanctuar of the Geto-Dacians from the Gate of Transylvania – Jiu Valley – Hunedoara – Petroșani ☥ The sacred connection with Sarmizegetusa REGIA, the Royal Capital ☥ A NFT story about the Geto-Dacians inspired by real historical events ✟

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Europe Genesys NFT Ordinul Dragonilor PHORCYS

A Gamer’s Guide to Play-to-Earn

Embark on an epic adventure through time. Join us in building a virtual world and a real one inspired by the rich history of Old Europe. Let’s shape the future of gaming together © supported by the official brand of Jiu Valley ™ Hunedoara, Transylvania, Romania & The Game Development Division 🎮 Timișoara Politehnica University.

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Festivalul PreHistoria Parta TIMIS

Timiș Parța – Festivalul PreHISTORIA

Un exemplu elocvent al avansului cultural și spiritual. Sanctuarul de la Parța, situat în județul Timiș, România, este unul dintre cele mai importante situri arheologice din sud-estul Europei, datând din perioada neolitică, aproximativ 5500-4500 î.Hr.

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